Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Democrats are dictators

 I have been living in California of United State all my half life . I experience of how dictator of the Democrat is.  They control my life , of how I live and how I think.  Just like CCP.  Good luck if you agree with them.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

An Overpass That Will Benefit Californians

 If the government could build an overpass on this part of Highway 1 in the Golden Gate Park that will make our life so much easier. 

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Crime Country

 Wanna go out shoot some photos but afraid of crime. That's suck !!!  America has no hope.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Friday, April 8, 2022

Tesla Giga Factory in Austin, Texas

Celebrating the grand opening in Texas today.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Two Competing Countries

I have Covid now, I was so unprepare when I found out my test result. I worry about my childred, what will it be after I am gone. Death is in my mind suddenly. I am angry now. Angry at who causing this >>>>> A country. What kind of evil persons will put their power first than their people? I still remember back in 2019, the time when Hong Kong was in riots, The whole world was watching China was going to send troops , blood was about to shed. Amazingly, Covid arrived, it was not just stop the roits , The US was busy dealing with pandemic. All of a sudden , China managed to crack down all roiters ,plus made new National Secucrity law, very quickly, Hong Kong has came back in law and order again. What a wonderful plan. But, this plan has sacrificed the whole mankind. Now ,in US, every 1 in 3 people infected with Covid, We have to live with Covid, Do you know how it will be? We will all die at some point in our lifes because of Covid. This virus will eat us alive.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

2022 Year of Tiger

Not much to say in this uncertain time.everyone hang on there, we will go through it together.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

United States Has Became a Lawless Country

Only if you were living here to feel the pain.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Monday, October 9, 2017

Have Mercy On Us

          It was 5:53pm on October 9,2017, I felt a jerk when I was sitting in front of the TV watching Santa Rosa got burn down. I was thinking, please don't happen right now , I mean the big earthquake. It is heart breaking enough to see people's houses destroy , who knows how many people die. It is too close to home. Feel like the end of the world is coming. Oh Lord, please have mercy on us.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Time flies when you are having fun. 2016 is almost over. There was a lot of things had happened in 2016, good ,bad and surprises. They all passed just like time. Thank God.We are so blessed that we are doing OK.  As the time goes by, we all will be aging. The kids will grow up. They are already becoming more mature . I am so grateful that we live in a good neighborhood. So many good people among us. As a human being friendship is very important.   Be able to interact with others can make you smile . People from school, church, market ,store, even from online. It works. So , go out talk to people, be cheerful. The more you do it , you will be happier. Trust me. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Nature Evolution Art & Furniture Store

Pay attention. There is a very extraordinary furniture store in Hong Kong today.  Nature Evolution Art & Furniture Store
Have you ever seen ceiling light like this...
or furniture which can cool your body.....
they have space saving dinning room furniture, 
and so many elegant couches.

The address is 218 Hollywood Road, Hong Kong Island. Tel : 2857-3830